Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Nadia's Designs

These are designs of mine that actually started off as sketches. Chanel was nice enough to scan my drawings onto the computer from me, but getting the lines right in illustrator was up to me. It wasn't until I had to do that did I finally understand why Chanel always said the "pen tool" is a pain. But with determination (and calling Chanel over every 10 minutes), I did it. I guess you can say the meaning behind these pieces are up for debate. It really all depends on the person's perception.
Being an intern at HTW was awesome and I greatly appreciate all that Shani and Chanel has done for me. I have never worked in an artistic environment where students can actually add in their own creativity and style. Anyone who is interesting in taking classes at HTW should definitely give it a shot. It's a great experience and I honestly feel like I am walking away with new knowledge and skill.